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Student Health Services

Amy Durbin, Registered Nurse

Our school is very fortunate to have a registered nurse form the Barren River District Health Department in our building.  Amy Durbin, RN, is at GHS daily during school hours.  With a signed consent, Nurse Amy can do school physicals, immunizations, and screenings needed for school entry and/or compliance.  She can also administer any over-the-counter medications that a parent/guardian has indicated on their student's consent form.  Without a signed consent, students can only be treated for emergencies and/or first aide.  The purpose of the nurse in our building is to keep students at school if they have minor complaints but also to assure that students that are not feeling well or need medical assistance are sent home in a timely manner.  BRDHD nurses such as Nurse Amy are in the school to assist with medical education for students, parents, and staff.  Your student has many opportunities to learn how to care for themselves daily, how to stay health, when to have health check-ups, medication information, and how to care for any chronic health needs.  Nurse Amy cares for any diabetic student's needs, food allergies, emergency medications, daily medications taken during school hours, and medications that will need to be taken during school field trips.


All health forms are available for download only.  Completed forms must be received by the school nurse.
Over-the-Counter Medication

The school nurse keeps a small supply of over the counter medication in the clinic to treat symptoms such as headaches or coughs, etc.  In order for the nurse to give your child an over-the-counter medication that she has in her supply you must complete the Consent For School Health Services Form and check the boxes next to each medicine you would like the nurse to provide to your student if necessary.  If you wish for your child to be given an over-the-counter medication that is not listed on the form you will need to complete and return the Permission Form For Over-The-Counter Medication  with the medication in its original labeled container.  No over-the-counter medicine can be given to a student for more than 3 days in a row, more than 10 days in a month, or in a higher dose than stated on the box without signed consent by a health care provider.


Prescription Medication

If your student has a prescription medication that needs to be taken at school, you must bring it to school in the original bottle with the pharmacy label after the first dose has already been given at home.  You must have the prescribing doctor complete the Permission Form For Prescribed Medication and give it to the school nurse before she can administer any prescribed medication.


Other Health Issues

Pleae tel the school and school nurse if your child has any special health care needs.  Students with a history of asthma, diabetes, seizures, or a severe allergy should have an Action Plan filled out and signed by their health care provider and the parent.  If you child has an emergency medication (inhaler, glucagon, Diastat, EpiPen), please make sure that there is an extra at the school so that your child can use it during the school day. 


Dental Services

A local dentist and/or a Barren River District Health Department Dental Hygientist will be at GHS this year to provide dental service to any child who does not regularly see a dentist or has not seen a dentist in at least one year.  If you wish to have your child receive dental treatment at school this year you will need to complete the Consent For Dental Treatment Form and return it to school.  If your child is covered by Medicaid, their insurance will be billed.  All other participating students may be charged a small fee to cover supplies.  


Foster Parents

Foster parents cannot sign the Consent for School Health Service.  Your child's social service worker will know who can sign a medical consent form.

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