Scottie Families,
This afternoon at approximately 2:35 PM, Glasgow High School administration was alerted via our anonymous tip line about a potential threat made on social media against our school. The administration immediately began working with law enforcement and determined the threat was not viable.
The safety of our students and staff remains our top priority.
Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to our school community.

Parents of incoming Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, If you missed the Dual Credit night last week, we wanted to provide information about your student's opportunity to take college courses while in High School. For more information, please review the attached presentations from WKU and SKYCTC. In the folder link below, you can find the Agreement form that needs to be signed and submitted by March 20th for your student to register for a Dual Credit class. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Laura Brantley (laura.brantley@glasgow.kyschools.us). You can find important Dual Credit information here: https://bit.ly/4iKq5yH

GHS is thankful for our Seniors and Senior Sponsors for taking the opportunity today to give back to our community! #InspiringExcellenceEmpoweringFutures

The recently approved 2025-2026 School Calendar can be found using the link below.

Next week, the 9th-grade students will be touring the Barren County Area Technology Center during their 1st-period classes on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. We are excited for our students to see the opportunities available beginning next school year. Please let us know if you have questions. #InspiriningExcellenceEmpoweringFutures

Tomorrow, all Juniors will be taking the ACT at GHS. Please make sure that your Scottie is present and on time and that they have their charged school-issued Chromebook. They will be provided a school device for testing if they use their own device at school.

Congratulations to this week's Scottie Scholars of the Week!

Don’t forget to get your $8 pre-sale Boys Basketball Region tickets for tomorrow night in the front office at GHS. They are $10 if you wait to purchase at the door.

Please check out this week's Parent Newsletter: https://bit.ly/parentnews2024

On Wednesday, 3/5, GHS Spanish club students traveled to the Preschool Academy to read to the Preschool Scotties! #InspiringExcellenceEmpoweringFutures

Congratulations to Danica Stephens for her 2nd place finish in the Rotary Club Speech Contest! #InspiringExcellenceEmpoweringFutures

Students have received class registration forms for the 25-26 school year. These forms and additional information are available in their grade-level Google Classrooms. All forms must be submitted by March 20th. Counselors will be available the week of March 24 to meet individually with students and enter course requests in Infinite Campus using the schedule below:
Monday, March 24 - Current 9th grade students
Tuesday, March 25 - Current 10th grade students
Wednesday, March 26 - Current 11th grade students
Friday, March 28 - Make-up day for any students who could not attend above
If you have additional questions, please contact your child's grade-level counselor. Course requests for next year, along with any necessary permission forms, will be sent home the week after spring break with additional information coming later. Thank you for taking an interest in your child's future.

Junior Kessley Amos visited Frankfort on Wednesday as a youth advocate for Youth Advocacy Day and had the opportunity to meet with Governor Andy Beshear! #InspiringExcellenceEmpoweringFutures

Please join us for a Spring Senior Parent Meeting on Thursday, March 20, at 6pm in the GHS cafeteria. Topics will include the Senior Trip, picnic, and breakfast.

The Junior class will take the state-mandated ACT on Tues, March 11th at GHS. Please discuss with your Scottie the importance of being present, on time, and giving their best effort! Our goal this year is a 21.0 average composite score! #InspiringExcellenceEmpoweringFutures

Congratulations to our 2025 State DECA Winners! Inspiring Excellence & Empowering Futures!

If you are a parent of a current 8th-11th grade student and are interested in learning more about Dual Credit offerings at GHS, join us on Thursday, March 6, @ 5:30pm.

GHS is currently hiring an Instructional Assistant and a Math Teacher! Please apply here: https://glasgow.schoolspring.com

Thank you to everyone who brought in donations to BRAWA! The GHS Y Club members were able to drop those off today!

Join us on Wednesday, March 5, from 4pm-5:30pm at GHS for 9th Grade Preview Night for current 8th graders.